5G NR Fundamental

Course Access: Lifetime
Course Overview

This course cover 5G NR network fundamental, explaining the need for 5G and the requirement for a new network architecture,  include a detailed description of the use cases in 5G.

explain the network architecture and deployment options, air interface protocols and radio frame structure; missive MIMO and beamforming, dual connectivity in 5G.

The 5G QoS structures, parameters and flow. QoE concept and model in 5G use cases.

This course is designed to provide a detailed knowledge of 5G network and use cases, network slicing architecture and services offered by 5G.

This course is addressed to technical staff working in telecom and IT.

Course Objectives:

By Completing this course, you will be able to:

– Discuss 5G Network enabler, 5G requirement and 3GPP standards evolution.

– Describe 5G use cases and applications.

– Describe 5G network architecture and define the network element rules.

– Describe 5G network services and procedures.

– Describe 5G network slicing architectures and procedures.

– Describe 5G NR air interface, protocols and 5G NR frame structure and numerology.

– Describe massive MIMO and beamforming concept, principles and operations.

– Describe 5G QoS architectures, parameters and flow.

– Describe the QoE concept and models in 5G use cases.

– Describe the dual connectivity in 5G network.

Course Content:

  1. 5G NR Overview
    1. Introduction
    2. Why do we need 5G?
    3. 5G enabler
    4. LTE evolution
    5. LTE Vs 5G NR
    6. 5G use cases
    7. 5G Requirement
  2. 5G standards
    1. Introduction
    2. Standards evolution and time line
    3. Release 15
    4. Release 16
    5. Release 17
  3. 5G use cases
    1. Enhanced mobile broadband
    2. Mission critical communications
    3. Massive Machine communications
  4. 5G Network Architecture
    1. Introduction
    2. 5G deployment options
    3. 5G Access network architecture
    4. 5G Core network architecture
    5. 5G Network services
    6. 5G Procedures
  5. 5G Network Slicing
    1. Network Slicing Overview
    2.  5G Network slicing architecture
    3. 5G radio access in network slicing
    4. 5G Procedures in network slicing
  6. 5G NR Air interface
    1. 5G Spectrum
    2. 5G Frequency bands
    3. 5G RAN Architecture options
    4. 5G NR interfaces
    5. 5G NR Protocols
    6. 5G Radio access & Frame structure
  7. Massive MIMO & Beamforming
    1. Massive MIMO Overview
    2. Antenna & Beamforming
    3. Massive MIMO concepts & Principles
    4. Beamforming Operations
  8. QoS and QoE in 5G Network
    1. QoS & QoE Overview
    2. 5G QoS structure
    3. 5G QoS parameters
    4. 5G QoS Flow
    5. QoE Concept & Model
    6. QoE in 5G use cases
  9. Dual Connectivity
    1. Dual Connectivity Overview
    2. Dual Connectivity Options
    3. LTE-NR Dual Connectivity
    4. Multi-RAT Dual Connectivity in 5G
    5. 5G Dual connectivity with LTE in Non-standalone option


no prerequisites for this course.